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Text File | 1993-02-27 | 14.1 KB | 465 lines | [ ttro/ttxt]
X-Archive 3.1 includes 127 of Frederic Rinaldi's freeWare externals, current as of 10-Feb-93, and fully documented. There are 8 new externals, 5 updates, icons identifying system dependencies (Hypercard 2, System 7, Quicktime etc) and stack navigation buttons. Version 3.1 is based on a stack by: Ken Fisher Dept. of Speech Comm. & Theater State University of New York at Oneonta fisherkj@snyoneva.bitnet Updated by: Peter Stubbs Compuserve (CIS 100026,3211) MacConnection (02) 907 9198 MacInTouch (02) 584 2522 AUG (02) 439 6055 MacCity (02) 660 2027 CONTENTS: Name Ver Name Ver Name Ver Align 2.7 FullMove 1.2 Mousoid 1.1 ArchiveContent 1.0 FullOffset 1.0 NameNewFile 1.0 ATalkZones 1.5 FullRemove 1.1 Notification 1.0 Calendoid 1.4 FullRename 1.4 NubusList 1.0 CapsLock 1.0 FullReplace 1.1 PICTFile 1.7 ChooseColor 1.1 FullResList 2.1 PICTToClip 1.4 Chooser 1.7 FullSFPack 1.7 PPCList 1.0 ClipInfo 1.0 FullSFPut 1.3 PrinterInfo 1.0 ClipToPict 1.4 FullSort 3.5 PrintPICT 1.4 CompressPictFile 1.2 FullText 1.0 PrintPICTList 1.2 CopyFolder 2.1 GetBootVol 1.1 Privileges 1.3 CopyRes 2.0 GetDir 2.2 Prompt 2.5 CreateAlias 1.0 GetFInfo 1.3 Promptoid 1.5 CreatCustomIcon 1.1 GetIcon 1.0 QCopy 1.2 CreateFolder 1.2 GetMode 1.3 RemoveFolder 1.2 CreateMenuHelp 1.0 GetPassword 1.3 ReplaceCharSet 1.0 CreateStack 1.1 GetSysFolder 1.0 ResolveAlias 1.1 CreateThumbnail 1.2 GetVInfo 1.0 ResText 1.4 DateConverter 1.2 GlobalList 1.1 ScrapXCMDs 1.9 DateSort 1.0 GlobalMaster 1.0 SelectDir 1.1 DocCreator 1.5 HowMany 1.1 SelectFile 1.0 DocTypes 1.6 ICNtoICON 1.8 SendPS 1.4 DoMenu 1.0 Infoid 1.1 SetFileFlag 1.2 EraseFile 1.2 IsDate 1.0 SetFinderLock 1.2 ExtractItems 1.4 IsFile 1.0 SetFInfo 1.0 FileCopy 2.6 IsFinderLocked 1.2 SetMode 1.2 FileIsOpen 1.2 IsFolder 1.0 Set 1.1 FileMaker 1.2 IsObject 1.0 ShowHideFolder 1.2 FileSharingMaster 1.0 KillRes 1.4 SoundRecord 1.7 FindFolder 1.1 LaunchDoc 1.0 StripDup 1.1 FolderSize 1.4 LineCount 1.7 StrWidth 1.0 FontMaster 1.3 ListComponents 1.0 Switch 1.3 FormatNum 1.0 ListLogic 1.6 Tabloid 1.1 FullBalloons 1.0 Listoid 3.0 Textoid 3.9 FullDrag 1.3 ListSelect 4.8 TextRes 1.4 FullFind 1.4 MacType 1.3 WindName 1.1 FullHPop 1.5 Menu 2.1 XRef 1.3 Align Aligns the content of a field into columns. ArchiveContent Returns a list of files contained in a Compact Pro* archive. ATalkZones Returns the node zone and all available zones over AppleTalk. Calendoid Displays a monthly calendar window. Requires Hypercard 2. CapsLock Tests if the CapsLock key is down or not. ChooseColor Lets you choose a color using the Apple Color Picker dialog. Chooser This contains 2 XFCN and 1 XCMD which let you perform chooser commands, thus selecting any printer driver. ClipInfo Returns the types of resources present in the clipboard, thus allowing you to determine its content. ClipToPict Transfers a picture from the clipboard to a PICT file or PICT resource, modifying it if required. CompressPictFile Compresses a PICT file using QuickTime* JPEG. Requires QuickTime. CopyFolder Copies a whole folder, including all enclosed folders and files. CopyRes Copies resources between two files. Unlike ResCopy, it doesn't simply replace existing resources with same name or ID without warning, and offers a wide range of error checking. CreateAlias Creates a file, volume or folder alias on disk. Requires System 7. CreatCustomIcon Adds a System 7 custom icon to any PICT, MooV or JFIF file, or file with a PICT resource. Requires System 7. CreateFolder Creates a new folder on a volume. CreateMenuHelp Creates "hmnu" resources to be used by the Help Mgr in order to provide menu help balloons. Requires System 7. CreateStack Creates a new Stack from within a script, without user intervention. CreateThumbnail Adds a QuickTime*'s picture preview to any PICT, MooV or JFIF file, or file with a PICT resource. Requires QuickTime. DateConverter Converts date/time to seconds and back. DateSort Sorts the lines of a container by date. DocCreator Returns the application name for a given file Creator or file pathName. DocTypes Returns a list of all document types that can be handled by an application. DoMenu Enhances HyperCard 2.0 by allowing you to choose to paste text only or styled text. Requires Hypercard 2. EraseFile Deletes a file on a volume ExtractItems Extracts one or more items from a list. FileCopy Copies any file between two volumes or directories. FileIsOpen Tests if a file is already open or not. FileMaker Two XCMDs that allow you to create any type of document, empty or already filled, from within a script and reopen it with the original application. FileSharingMaster 3 XCMDs and 3 XFCNs that allow you to fully master FileSharing : turn it on/off, test its state, share/unshare a folder, get and set its sharing privileges, get users and groups list. Requires System 7. FindFolder Returns the full pathname of the active System folder or any of its reserved folders (System 7.0). FolderSize Returns the physical size of any folder or volume, the number of folders and files found. FontMaster A XFCN & a XCMD, which allow you to handle fonts within files. One returns full information on fonts in a file according to the FOND resources, the other lets you renumber a FOND resource or associated FONT/NFNT/sfnt resource. FormatNum Lets you format numbers according to their sign, like Excel*. FullBalloons Let s you add Balloon Help to a stack. Supports styled text. Requires System 7. FullDrag Lets you drag a gray outline of one or more rectangles, and even test a condition while dragging. FullFind Searches for first of all matches of a string in a container. FullHPop Displays a popup or hierarchical popup menu to allow user selection. It allows font & size selection and is smart enough to capitalize each item and style metacharacter to match the Human Interface Guidelines. A special hack has been provided to allow SICN insertion FullMove Moves a file or folder on a volume. FullOffset An extension to the offset() internal HyperTalk instruction. It lets you define the search mode as well as the starting char. FullRemove Deletes a file or folder and all its content from a volume. FullRename Renames a file or folder, keeping previous privileges when working on a server folder. FullReplace Remove or replace a string in text. FullResList Gets a list of resource information for any file, or even to test if a resource is present. FullSFPack Lets you use standard dialogs for selecting (opening or saving) a file, folder or volume. It lets you deal with Alias files themselves rather than with pointed entries, and adds a multiple files selection dialog. Selection of multiple files is supported as well as a Quicktime preview display. Requires System 7. FullSFPut Displays the SFPutFile dialog on the screen, allowing you to type a name and to choose destination folder for a new file. FullSort Allowis any kind of sort, even co-sorting of lists. A range of sort types are available. FullText Two XCMDs that allow you to transfer full-styled text between two fields. Requires Hypercard 2. GetBootVol Returns the name of the boot volume. GetDir Gets the content of any volume of folder. Its numerous options allow you to select precisely the needed information, and to choose the resulting values and their order. GetFInfo Returns a list of Finder information for a file (such as type,creator, creation date and time, modification date and time, size, finder flags). GetIcon Adds, in the current stack, an ICON resource coming from the Desktop file. Requires System 7. GetMode Returns the screen(s)' video mode and depth. GetPassword Lets you type a hidden password in a dialog. GetSysFolder Returns the pathName of the current System folder. GetVInfo Returns informations about a volume (such as total space, free space, number of files and folders, creation date and time). GlobalList Returns the list of available global variables. Requires Hypercard 2. GlobalMaster Two XCMDs which allow you to easily purge all global variables created by the stack. Requires HyperCard 2. HowMany Returns the number of occurrences of a pattern string within a target string. ICNtoICON Gets ICN#(s) from any file and copies it (them) as ICON into another file. Infoid Displays a windoid showing current objects attributes. Requires Hypercard 2. IsDate Offers a REAL date test, identifying if a string contains a date in any valid date format (eg 12/31/91 or Monday,December 3, 1992 both test as valid). It supports international date formats. IsFile Tests for the existence of a file on a volume. IsFinderLocked Test if a file is locked or not (Finder info ckeckbox). IsFolder Tests for the existence of a folder on a volume. IsObject Tests for the existence of a HyperCard object. KillRes Delete a resource in a file. LaunchDoc Lets you open or print a document by launching its application. Requires System 7. LineCount Returns the real number of lines of a field, including all wrapped lines. ListComponents Returns the list of all available components, along with their information. Requires System 7.1 or Quicktime. ListLogic Allows logical comparison of two lists. Listoid Displays a list in a windoid. Requires Hypercard 2. ListSelect Lets you choose one or many items within a list appearing in a dialog on the screen. The XFCN is stand-alone, meaning that no extra resources (DLOG or DITL) are needed, but it can use personalized resources created by the user. It allows multiple (continuous or discontinuous) or single item selection and can return either the selected name ort the item number. Lists may be displayed sorted or unsorted in any font or size. MacType Returns the Mac type (eg IIfx, portable etc). Menu Lets you remove and add your own menus, submenus and menu items to Hypercard as well as alter existing menus. A special hack is provided to allow SICN insertion in addition to ICONs, sicns and #ICNs. Mousoid Displays a windoid showing current mouse position. NameNewFile NameNewFile provides a dialog allowing to name a new file and its destination (SFPutFile). Not required anymore with HC2.0 which includes this feature. Notification Lets you invoke the Notification Manager under Multifinder. NubusList Returns the lists of installed NuBus cards. PICTFile Two CXMDs that allow you to transfer a picture between the clipboard and a PICT file. PICTToClip Transfers a PICT, JFIF or Moov file, or PICT resource to the Clipboard, modifying it if required. PPCList Returns a list of all System 7.0 PPC aware applications of a node. Requires System 7. PrinterInfo Returns information on the currently selected printer. PrintPICT Prints a PICT file, resource or the clipboard content with a prompt if desired. PrintPICTList Prints a list of PICT files or resources in one printing session. Privileges Returns the access privileges of a folder on an AppleShare volume. Prompt Displays an information dialog during the execution of a script. The dialog's width is set accordingly to the string width. Does not work properly with Hypercard 2 - use Promptoid instead. Promptoid Displays an information dialog during the execution of a script. The dialog's width is set accordingly to the string width. Does not work properly with Hypercard 1 - use Prompt instead. QCopy A resource copier specially designed to perform full installlation of all included resources of a stack. RemoveFolder Deletes a whole folder, even if it is not empty. ReplaceCharSet Replaces a whole set of chars with another, in one single pass. ResolveAlias Returns the real pathname pointed to by an alias file. Requires System 7. ResText Leys you get text from any resource. ScrapXCMDs Two XCMDs. One lets you add the clipboard's content to a ScrapBook, the other copies a specified ScrapBook item to the clipboard (optionally removing it from the ScrapBook). SelectDir Displays a dialog allowing you to choose a folder. SelectFile Provides a dialog allowing you to choose a file (SFGetFile). Not required anymore with HC2.0 which includes this feature. SendPS Sends PostScript data to a LaserWriter over AppleTalk. SetFileFlag Changes the value of the authorized Finder flags of a file. SetFinderLock Locks/unlocks a file (Finder info checkbox). SetFInfo Changes file type and/or creator. SetMode Switches any connected screen from one video mode and depth to another. Requires System 6.0.5 or later. Set Intercepts all Set commands to allow for a new UserLevel (0) which is like UserLevel 2, but with no Go menu and a reduced Edit menu. ShowHideFolder Makes a folder visible/invisible. SoundRecord Records sound using any recognized sound input device. It works with both HyperCard & SuperCard. StripDup Quickly removes all duplicates lines, items or words from a string. StrWidth Returns the length in pixels of a string, according to its text attributes. Switch Transforms an items list to lines list, and vice-versa. Tabloid Displays a spreadsheet like windoid, with multiple cells and columns. Requires Hypercard 2. Textoid Displays a full-styled text windoid. Requires Hypercard 2. TextRes Create any kind of text resource (STR, STR#, TEXT, etc) in a file. WindName Changes the title of HyperCard's window. XRef A tool for cross-referencing handlers, variables and externals in an HC script.